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Biz Defender Business Identity Theft Risk Assessment Quiz
This short quiz will help you assess your business's risk of identity theft. By answering a few questions, you'll gain valuable insights into potential vulnerabilities and learn how Biz Defender can help.
Question 1: How do you typically store your business's sensitive data (e.g., EIN, bank account numbers, customer information)?
Secured digital storage with access controls (e.g., password manager)
Paper files stored in a locked cabinet
A mix of digital and paper files, with varying levels of security
Information readily accessible on our website or publicly available documents
Question 2: Do you have a process for regularly monitoring your business credit reports and public records for suspicious activity?
Yes, we monitor our reports monthly and investigate any discrepancies.
We check our reports occasionally, but not on a regular schedule.
We haven't checked our reports in a while.
We don't know how to monitor our business credit reports.
Question 3: How do you handle employee access to sensitive data within your business?
We have a defined access control policy with limited access based on job roles.
All employees have access to all company data.
Access control is somewhat limited, but not strictly enforced.
We haven't implemented any access controls for employee data access.
Question 4: Have you ever received any suspicious emails, calls, or messages claiming to be from a legitimate source (e.g., bank, government agency) requesting personal or business information?
No, we haven't encountered any suspicious attempts.
We may have received a few, but we were able to identify them as scams.
Yes, we've received some suspicious messages, but we're unsure if they were legitimate.
We receive suspicious messages frequently, and we sometimes respond with our information.
Question 5: Do you have a plan in place to respond to a potential business identity theft incident?
Yes, we have a documented incident response plan to deal with identity theft.
We haven't formally planned for such a scenario, but we know who to contact in case of an issue.
We're unsure what steps to take if our business identity is stolen.
We haven't considered the possibility of business identity theft.
Question 6: What is your name?
Question 7: What is your work email?
Question 8: What is your website URL?